Download Bukti Potong PPh 21: Segala Hal yang Perlu Anda Ketahui
Download Bukti Potong PPh 21: A Guide for Employees and Employers
If you are an employee or an employer in Indonesia, you may have heard of bukti potong pph 21, which is a document that shows the withholding of income tax (PPh) article 21 from your salary or wages. This document is important for both parties, as it serves as a proof of tax payment and a basis for filing annual tax return (SPT tahunan). In this article, we will explain what bukti potong pph 21 is, who needs to download and issue it, what are the benefits of doing it online, how to download it online, how to calculate PPh 21 using it, and some frequently asked questions about it.
How to Download Bukti Potong PPh 21 Online
Downloading bukti potong pph 21 online is a convenient and easy way to get your tax document without having to visit the tax office or wait for your employer to give it to you. You can download it anytime and anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection and a device that can access the e-SPT PPh 21 application, which is an official online service provided by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) for creating, uploading, and downloading bukti potong pph 21. The process of downloading bukti potong pph 21 online differs slightly depending on whether you are an employee or an employer, as we will explain below.
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For employees
If you are an employee who receives income from your employer, you can download your bukti potong pph 21 online by following these steps:
How to access e-SPT PPh 21 application. To access the e-SPT PPh 21 application, you need to have a tax identification number (NPWP) and a tax registration certificate (SKT). If you don't have them yet, you can apply for them online through the and click on the login button. You will be asked to enter your NPWP and SKT numbers, as well as a verification code. After that, you will be directed to the main page of the application.
How to download bukti potong pph 21 from e-SPT PPh 21 application. On the main page of the application, you will see a menu bar with several options. Click on the download option and then select bukti potong pph 21. You will see a list of bukti potong pph 21 that have been issued by your employer(s) for the current year or previous years. You can choose to download them individually or in bulk, depending on your preference. You can also filter them by month, year, or employer name. The downloaded files will be in PDF format and will be saved in your device.
How to check the validity of bukti potong pph 21. After downloading your bukti potong pph 21, you may want to check if they are valid and accurate. To do so, you can use the verification option on the menu bar of the application. You will need to upload the PDF file of your bukti potong pph 21 and enter the verification code that is printed on it. The application will then compare the data on your bukti potong pph 21 with the data on the DGT database and show you the result. If there are any discrepancies or errors, you can contact your employer or the tax office to resolve them.
For employers
If you are an employer who pays income to your employees, you can download your bukti potong pph 21 online by following these steps:
How to register and login to e-SPT PPh 21 application. To register and login to the e-SPT PPh 21 application, you also need to have a NPWP and a SKT. If you don't have them yet, you can apply for them online through the and click on the register button. You will be asked to fill in some information about your company, such as name, address, phone number, email, etc. You will also need to create a username and password for your account. After completing the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to activate your account. Once you activate your account, you can login to the application using your username and password.
How to create and upload bukti potong pph 21 using e-SPT PPh 21 application. On the main page of the application, you will see a menu bar with several options. Click on the create option and then select bukti potong pph 21. You will see a form where you need to enter some information about your employee(s), such as name, NPWP, position, income amount, tax amount, etc. You can also use the import option to upload an Excel file with the data of your employee(s). After filling in or uploading the data, you can click on the save button to generate your bukti potong pph 21. The generated files will be in PDF format and will be stored in your account.
How to download and print bukti potong pph 21 for employees. After creating and uploading your bukti potong pph 21, you can download them for your own records or print them for your employees. To do so, you can use the download option on the menu bar of the application and then select bukti potong pph 21. You will see a list of bukti potong pph 21 that you have created for the current year or previous years. You can choose to download them individually or in bulk, depending on your preference. You can also filter them by month, year, or employee name. The downloaded files will be in PDF format and will be saved in your device. To print them, you can open them with any PDF reader software and use the print function.
How to Calculate PPh 21 Using Bukti Potong PPh 21
Bukti potong pph 21 is not only a document that shows the withholding of income tax from your salary or wages, but also a tool that helps you calculate your PPh 21 amount. PPh 21 is the income tax that you have to pay on your income from employment, whether it is in the form of salary, wages, bonuses, allowances, commissions, or other benefits. To calculate your PPh 21 amount, you need to know some components, methods, rates, and formulas that we will explain below.
What are the components of PPh 21 calculation?
The components of PPh 21 calculation are as follows:
Gross income: This is the total amount of income that you receive from your employer before any deductions or taxes. It includes your salary, wages, bonuses, allowances, commissions, and other benefits. You can find your gross income on your bukti potong pph 21 under the column "Jumlah Penghasilan Bruto".
Net income: This is the amount of income that you have after deducting some expenses that are allowed by the tax law. These expenses include contributions to social security programs (BPJS), occupational expenses (5% of gross income or a maximum of IDR 500,000 per month), and pension fund contributions (2% of gross income or a maximum of IDR 200,000 per month). You can find your net income on your bukti potong pph 21 under the column "Jumlah Penghasilan Neto".
Taxable income: This is the amount of income that is subject to PPh 21. It is calculated by subtracting your non-taxable income (PTKP) from your net income. PTKP is the minimum amount of income that is exempt from PPh 21, based on your marital status and number of dependents. You can find your taxable income on your bukti potong pph 21 under the column "Jumlah Penghasilan Kena Pajak".
Tax amount: This is the amount of PPh 21 that you have to pay on your taxable income. It is calculated by applying the tax rates that correspond to your taxable income brackets. You can find your tax amount on your bukti potong pph 21 under the column "PPh Pasal 21".
What are the methods of PPh 21 calculation?
The methods of PPh 21 calculation are as follows:
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